The Foundation consists of a board, has some capital, from the return of which it draws money to apply to projects that are supposed to further the sake of the distribution in Spain of the Good News of Christ. The last few years we have offered some structural help as to the salaries of pastors / ministers. Around the Board we find quite a group of sympathizers, with whom we keep in contact by way of our Bulletins, appearing alas! rather irregularly, called the Berichtenblad and since 2003 by way of this website. We meet several times a year, mostly in office buildings of one or other of the members of the board.
The Foundation 'Het Evangelie in Spanje' (The Gospel in Spain) is since 5 December 2000 the continuation of the Society Het Evangelie in Spanje, and has as such been registered at the Chamber of Commerce per 1 January 2001.
The Foundations Purpose is thus worded in the status:
Art. 2. 1. De stichting heeft ten doel: In samenwerking met de Nederlands Hervormde kerk, de Gereformeerde kerk, de Lutherse kerk in het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (dan wel hun rechtsopvolgers) en andere aan de Reformatie verwante kerken de voortgang van het Evangelie in Spanje te bevorderen.
2. De stichting tracht haar doel te verwezenlijken door contacten op basis van wederkerigheid te onderhouden met en financiële steun te verlenen aan Spaanse Protestantse kerken, in het bijzonder aan de I.E.E en de I.E.R.E. en door andere daarmee verband houdende activiteiten in de ruimste zin.
Which means that we 1. are to try to further the sake of the Gospel - in Spain - together with Churches in the Netherlands that are associates with the Reformation; and 2. try to do so by contacts on a reciprocal basis with the Spanish Protestant Churches, especially the I.E.E. and I.E.R.E., and by financial support and other related activities in the broadest sense of the word..
In practice this means that we have contacts with churches and persons, personally, by visits, by letter and e-mail, in prayer and last but not least, by financial support. Yearly we help a bit in the salary of the ministers, as stated, but also the theological seminary, the S.E.U.T. (look here as well) has our heart. Apart from that we give to several projects, usually suggested by the Churches themselves, and lastly we organize, together with the Foundation called SILO, a yearly collection in a number of churches here in the Netherlands, called the Diasporacollecte.
The history of the committee, then Association and now Foundation The Gospel in Spain begins in the 19th century and is a fascinating story in itself.